Health and Safety Expertise for the Cannabis Industry

  • EHS Basics

    Datura can help ensure that you have the basic health and safety elements in place, such as, OSHA compliant written procedures, employee training and record keeping system.

  • Extraction Safety

    The extraction process is a high hazard operation, from the use of highly flammble solvents to asphyxiant gasses. We have safety experts specfically trained in cannabis extraction methods. Keep your risk of fire and explosions low during extraction processing operations. Let us perform a safety assessement on your operation to ensure proper hazard control selection and maintenance.

  • Hazardous Waste Management

    Process waste management can be a significant cost to businesses, especially when managed incorrectly or inefficently. In addtion, waste is regulated differently between municipalities and states. We have years of experience establishing and improving waste management practices with a goal to minimize cost and conserve storage space.